Each bag sold or consigned with us is first authenticated in-house before they're listed for sale.

We also work with brand authentication experts like Zeko's Authentication for Chanel and Bababebi for Hermes. We are also an Entrupy verified business and can offer Entrupy authentication services.

Should you like an added third party authenticity certification of such, we will be most happy to assist. This will be a chargeable service. 

About Zeko's Authenication

Zeko’s Authentication specialises in Chanel handbags authentication has been in business for 15 years, their services include buying, selling and authentication where detailing and their vast experience in seeing Chanel handbags over the years make it key for complete and 100% accuracy in their authentication checks. 

You can read more about Zeko's Authentication here

About Bababebi Authentication 

Bababebi is an independent authentication service that renders opinions on the authenticity of Hermès handbags from her 30 years of collecting, buying, and studying them.

You can read more about Bababebi here

About Entrupy Luxury Authentication

Entrupy certifies the authenticity of luxury products using an objective, scientifically-proven approach backed by AI that better protects buyers and sellers of frequently-counterfeited, high-value items. Entrupy also provides financial guarantee on their results. Entrupy luxury authentication is used by hundreds of businesses large and small including brands, retailers, governments, online marketplaces and resellers

You can read more about Entrupy here